Stretch Marks

skin care operation

Venus Legacy™

Stretch Mark Reduction

Venus Legacy™ of the face, neck and body, as well as cellulite reduction, wrinkle reduction and stretch mark reduction – all with NO pain, discomfort or downtime – allowing you to return to your normal daily activities right away after treatment.

Venus Legacy™ is a medical aesthetic device licensed by Health Canada and approved by the FDA in the U.S., combines radio frequency energy and magnetic pulses with a suction component for immediate, long-term results .

  • What to Expect

    Most patients who undergo Venus Legacy treatments for skin tightening or fat reduction at our medical spa say they are relaxed and comfortable during the procedure. Treatments take about 30 minutes, depending on the size and number of areas treated. Many patients describe the sensation as similar to a warm massage. The sooner you start treating Cellulite the better results you will have.

    There is no downtime following the treatment. You can resume your daily activities immediately.

  • How it Works

    Venus Legacy, with Sculpt Fx™ and Lift Fx™ is the strongest, deepest, and largest device on the market utilizes a patented technology that combines both multi polar radio frequency (RF) along with pulsed magnetic fields (MP)². These two types of energy work in synergy to effectively deliver remarkable clinical results. 

    Venus Legacy provides non- surgical treatments for body shaping, cellulite reduction, loose skin, stretch marks, and circumference reduction, skin tightening, and wrinkle reduction. It uses heat to safely and naturally shrink fat cells, tighten skin, and boost collagen production, giving you the results you want with virtually no pain or downtime. Treatments are safe for all skin tones, even darker complexions. The complementary technologies safely and uniformly warm and stimulate targeted skin and fat tissues, triggering the body’s natural healing response. New collagen and elastic fibers give skin a tighter, more youthful appearance, while fat cells shrink and diminish.

Viva Skin Resurfacing

The Viva is a non-invasive but ablative (removal of soft tissue) to remodel and resurface skin. Combining Nano Fractional radio-frequency and a Smart Scan technology. The Viva stimulates collagen production to improve the skin’s tone and texture. There is no downtime! The Venus Viva treatment is comfortable and unlike lasers, which only work for fair complexions, Venus Viva™ treatments are safe for all skin tones.

When it comes to skin resurfacing, CO2 lasers used to be the frontrunner, but these procedures also came with a lot of pain and downtime that could last several weeks, if not longer (since they essentially remove the top layer of your skin). Venus Viva™ skin resurfacing treatments, on the other hand, deliver the same results, just with significantly less pain and much lower downtime. 

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skin care operation
Body shaping

EndyMed 3deep Body Contouring

The EndyMed 3DEEP™ radiofrequency technology heats the skin at a deeper level in the dermis to stimulate new collagen production. The result is firmer, smoother looking skin. Because the process stimulates your skin’s normal processes it is safe for all skin types and produces natural, long-lasting results. According to your treatment program, your qualified EndyMed technician will offer a series of treatments, usually six to eight, in one or two-week intervals. You should start seeing improvement in your skin following the second or third treatment, but more improvement will gradually appear as the treatment course progresses and will continue to do so for up to six months following the completion of the treatment course. As new, healthier collagen is formed, more natural looking and firmer skin will be produced.
  • Do's & Don'ts

    1. We encourage you to maintain a healthy lifestyle by consuming frequent and small portions of food.

    2. Drink 1 Litre or more of water, one hour before each session and continue drinking 1-3 litres daily.

    3. Incorporate 15-20 min of daily exercise.

    4. We highly recommend all treatments to be done in intervals as advised by your technician as longer interval can affect results.

    A course of 6 – 8 (bi-weekly or weekly) treatments are needed.

EndyMed FSR Fractional Radio-Frequency Treatment

Cost: $495 

ENDYMED FSR is controlled radio-frequency energy targeting deeper layers of skin while leaving the outer layer of skin intact. EndyMed Fractional radio-frequency jumpstarts collagen production, smooths out wrinkles and lightens up scars. A unique and effective way to rejuvenate, resurface, tone and tighten the skin. EndyMed’s Fractional RF treatments can be used on all skin types and colors without risks of damage or hyperpigmentation, leaving the skin with visible improvement even after the first treatment, with no downtime.

ENDYMED Wins Highly Commended Energy Treatment of the Year

This fantastic recognition has been awarded as ENDYMED continues to lead the way in radiofrequency technology, setting the standard as the only multi-source phase-controlled radiofrequency technology available, with the unique and patented 3DEEP Skin Science.

Congratulations and a huge thank you to our amazing UK partner, AesthetiCareUK, for having @EndyMed RF treatments receive Highly Commended at the 2017 Aesthetic Awards. Thank you for making us one of your most popular energy based treatments!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Is EndyMed Fractional Skin Resurfacing FSR?

    It improves texture, refine pores, tighten skin, even out complexion (pigmentation).

    During the procedure small areas of epidermis are removed which allows new tissue to be formed. This is done using radio frequency to generate intense heat in small columns.

  • Anaesthesia Required

    Local anaesthetic cream for 20 minutes before treatment Endymed FSR and Intensif treatments.

  • Contra-Indication

    Keloid scarring. Active cold sores in the area being treated. Anyone on Accutane (or finished a course less than 6 months ago), oral retinoids, anti-coagulants and corticosteroids. Pregnant women, Pace-maker, clotting disorder.

  • Recovery Time

    Very little with mild swelling and possibly mild bruising. This can be easily concealed with make-up.

  • Social Downtime

    treated area may have pinpointed bleeding, red and slight swelling for 1 to 3 days. *Sunscreen should be used at all times after treatment.

  • Results

    Increased collagen production so smooth skin, improved tone and improves scarring.

  • Suitable For

    On the face - lines and wrinkles, tightens & lifts and improves scars. On the body - tightens & lifts and improves scars.

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