Body Shaping with Venus Legacy™

Reduce Cellulite, Waistline & Love Handles,

Tighten Thighs & Arms,

Smooth Knees & Bra Line

One area cost: $195  Package of three: $450 Package of six: $750

Two area's cost: $295  Package of three: $750  Package of six: $1050

Ask about our interest free payment plan

Venus Legacy™ provides immediate, long-term results for skin tightening of the face, neck, and body. It also offers cellulite reduction, wrinkle reduction, and stretch mark reduction. The best part is that there is no pain, discomfort, or downtime associated with the treatment, allowing you to return to your normal daily activities right away. 

For optimal results, we recommend a package of 9 treatments, with one treatment per week. Venus Legacy™ is a medical aesthetic device licensed by Health Canada and approved by the FDA in the U.S. It combines radio frequency energy and magnetic pulses with a suction component to tighten skin, reduce cellulite, and target pockets of fat.

  • How it Works

    Venus Legacy, with Sculpt Fx™ and Lift Fx™ is the strongest, deepest, and largest device on the market utilizes a patented technology that combines both multi polar radio frequency (RF) along with pulsed magnetic fields (MP)². These two types of energy work in synergy to effectively deliver remarkable clinical results.

    Venus Legacy provides non- surgical treatments for body shaping, cellulite reduction, loose skin, stretch marks, and circumference reduction, skin tightening, and wrinkle reduction. It uses heat to safely and naturally shrink fat cells, tighten skin, and boost collagen production, giving you the results you want with virtually no pain or downtime. Treatments are safe for all skin tones, even darker complexions. The complementary technologies safely and uniformly warm and stimulate targeted skin and fat tissues, triggering the body’s natural healing response. New collagen and elastic fibers give skin a tighter, more youthful appearance, while fat cells shrink and diminish.

  • What to Expect

    Most patients who undergo Venus Legacy treatments for skin tightening or fat reduction at our medical spa say they are relaxed and comfortable during the procedure. Treatments take about 30 minutes, depending on the size and number of areas treated. Many patients describe the sensation as similar to a warm massage. The sooner you start treating Cellulite the better results you will have.

    There is no downtime following the treatment. You can resume your daily activities


  • Treatment Plan

    • Because the Venus Legacy works by stimulating the body’s natural responses, results emerge gradually. A series of treatments is needed to produce optimal results. Between 8 and 10 treatments done one to twice weekly are typically recommended. Once those are completed, about 3 treatments a year can help maintain the results
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